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Curso Completo de Ajedrez Roman's Labs Chess Videos del GM Roman Dzindzichashvili Volumen 3 del Curso de Ajedrez
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3er video de la coleccion. Clases de ajedrez magristales del GM Roman Dzindzichashvili de la coleccion Roman's Labs Chess Videos este tercer video trata de una serie de 5 que habla sobre aperturas Para Descarga en Mega. Para ver el Link dale en Leer Mas.
1 Grandmaster Repertoire - 1.d4 Volume One - Avrukh, Boris 2 Grandmaster Repertoire - 1.d4 Volume Two - Avrukh, Boris 3 Grandmaster Repertoire - The English Opening Volume One - Marin, Mihail 4 Grandmaster Repertoire - The English Opening Volume Two - Marin, Mihail 5 Grandmaster Repertoire - The English opening Volume Three - Marin, Mihail 6 Grandmaster Repertoire - The Sicilian Defence - Ftacnik, Lubomir 7 Grandmaster Repertoire - The Caro-Kann - Schandorff , Lars 8 Grandmaster Repertoire - Grunfeld Volume One - Avrukh, Boris 9 Grandmaster Repertoire - Grunfeld Volume Two - Avrukh, Boris 10 Grandmaster Repertoire - The Tarrasch Defence - Aagaard & Ntirlis 11 Grandmaster Repertoire - Beating 1.d4 Sidelines - Avrukh, Boris 12 Grandmaster Repertoire - The Modern Benoni - Petroff, Marian 13 Grandmaster Repertoire - The Open Spanish - Mikhalevski, Victor 14 Grandmaster Repertoire - The French Defence Volume One - Emanuel Berg 15 Grandmaster Repertoire - The French Def...
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